Hair loss, which I've heard about since day one, began just two days ago and took me back a bit. They didn't tell me the fallout is from e v e r y
w h e r e ... nuff said, but I still have to shave, go figure. Interesting comments to the last blog about the soothing effects of fire - no wonder it's so quiet on the beach at night.
Would like to ask you to include an old friend in your prayers, if you wouldn't mind. Found out recently that Sam has been battling a rare form of lukemia for the past year. Here I am acting like a big baby complaining about being poked a lousy eight times for infusions and Sam has gone down that road over a hundred times in the past twelve months with no end to his "plan" in sight. Yeah, he's a fighter...anyway, thanks.
Will write again after next Tuesday and hopefully have a CT date.