Saturday, April 24, 2010

Round 2...

Round 2 originally scheduled for June was pulled ahead to Friday the 23rd for a variety of reasons... don't ask.
Pictured is the CT scanner that is the arena for this and all future rounds. CT scans differ from MRI's as they use x rays for imaging while the MRI utilizes magnets and radio waves. A complete CT scan is like six times quicker than a complete MRI scan and a whole lot quieter, but sometimes require several hours of prep while the MRI is more of a plug and play. Bottom line is nothing from dandruff to athlete's foot can hide from either. And that's the Reader's Digest description of CT's and MRI's, not that you asked for one. The tools these doctors have at their disposal amaze me and would make Norm Abrams envious.
We met today (the 26th) with my Oncoligist, Dr Mackler and my case study coordinator, Ann Novak for the results and everything is still clear (thank you God). Ann took it upon herself to review the CT this morning with my Radiation Oncologist, Dr Henning, and he couldn't find anything of concern either...meaning nothing new "lit up". That's what I really like about Ann, she knows her stuff and gets everyone other words, she's steering the boat. I'm lucky to have her.
So that's the results of round 2 - Jo and I will get a good night's sleep tonight. Time to get the cottage and boat ready. Memorial Day will be here before you know it followed by Michigan's 12 weekend long summer season...and we plan on making the most of it. You do likewise...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Two months later - April ,2010

Here's a couple of shots I thought were kind of interesting. The one above is of a soon to be first time grandfather (May 7th due date) at his daughter-in-laws' baby shower. Click on the picture to enlarge it and study the expression on his face - priceless. All these women yakking away and he's in his own little world, oblivious to it all. You can almost see what he's thinking.

And here's our little one, Peyton, at eight weeks old. Tried to get a shot of her smiling but you know how it goes with these new digital cameras. You wind up taking 56 pictures hoping to get one good one. While you're punching buttons to see if the last picture was "the one", the baby is smiling. As soon as you aim the camera and make goofy "this ought to make you laugh" unintelligible sounds, she looks at you as if saying "hope you have enough battery left Grandpa". Peyton also has twice as much hair as I do.
Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weather we're experiencing. Going north next week to open up the cottage, one of my favorite times of the year.