My kitchen windowsill pharmacy. Can't read the labels anymore so I mark the tops w/a Sharpie. From L to R : SLEEP, POOP, SORE THROAT, SWALLOWING, COUGH, NAUSEA, HEADACHE, VITAMIN. The KISS theory (Keep It Simple Stupid) at work. Had a rough day in treatment yesterday. A new infusionist, Kay, poked my arm high and didn't hit the vein, it swelled up and she had to poke me again, this time near my wrist. Let's just say the pain was "
memorable" and I'm still feeling it today. God, I hate needles, but who doesn't ? Apparently chemo is hard on veins with a tendency to shrink them -harder to stick that garden hose in them. The effects of chemo last about two days but are tolerable, mostly body soreness, a slight headache, ringing in the ears and being tired. Met with Dr Henning again and the reports are still good. Both he and my oncologist have told me if the treatments weren't working, I would be having some very unpleasant side effects, like night sweats, nausea, chills and numbness/tingling in the arms and hands. They constantly ask if I have these symptoms so I have a feeling they're more common than I care to think. Can't imagine others going through that, especially those that are infused multiple times weekly - no time to recover. The only side effects I have now from radiation are skin redness and I've lost my voice - Joann loves the latter...
We now stand at 13 more radiations and 2 cocktails before Christmas and the 2 big cocktails in January.The dates keep changing. May get the final CAT scan in February instead of March - the one that counts.
Talk to ya again Friday.