So I'll cut to the chase and tell you that this month's CT was again good. This one had Jo and I more nervous than usual since we learned that some lesions can double in size in as little as two months...yeah, let's leave it at "nervous". The one tumor that has disappeared is still missing and the other in the RH lobe that started out the size of a golf ball is now the size of a sugar cube and 3mm (about 1/8") smaller than in the last CT. Everything is going in the right direction but I still can't get my Oncologist, Dr. Mackler, to say I'm in remission. The best I can get out of him is that I'm doing "above average". He is a very cautious man. This is 180 degrees opposite of what the VA thinks of me. I was examined in the Ann Arbor VA hospital last month as part of a study of Vietnam veterans that were exposed to Agent Orange... yes, it was forty years ago (almost to the month),yes, I was there for a year, was in close contact with the planes that sprayed the stuff and had no clue what was in it. Could have been Ortho Weed-B-Gone for all I knew. Now we know otherwise... Anyway, the VA report says my condition has worsened in the past 18 months (???). Since I didn't see the report (you'd think I'd have been shown the secret handshake by now) I can only assume they are referring to the aftereffects of treatment, ie, numbness, swelling,shortness of breathe,fatigue and inability to stay on my feet for any length of time. By the way, which day was Spring this year ? Have a great summer everyone and talk to you again in the Fall.