Today was my long day with cocktail hour followed by radiation followed by meetings with the radiologist and oncologist. Found out last Thursday's crash was due to coming down from the steroid that is part of Tuesday's cocktail. Today's mix had half the amount - we'll see how that works out. Wanted to take a picture of the "infusion rooms" today for you but there were far too many people recieving treatment and I want to respect their privacy. We're all there for the same reason but surprisingly there is very little interaction between patients. I'm fortunate to go there once weekly, some are scheduled three times weekly -yeech ! You might be intrested to know that my "cocktail" is over $5000 per day...once per week times 7 weeks. Do the math - that's a new Vette folks ! Or the Lenard boys summer beer and gas budget...
Worth every penny ...
Just because you're in treatment doesn't mean you can hang out with young topless girls,ha,ha.I realize how expensive medical treatment is,but it will be worth even penny(to your insurance)to have a healthy Ken around for many years. Stay the course my friend.
Is that not the sweetest face you've ever seen??? Quite a motivation to keep pushing on!
ReplyDeleteThinking and praying for you daily. Miss you all and hope to see you on Turkey Day! OOXX
such an adorable picture! Too bad that there is little interaction between the patients in the infusion room as you could be an inspiration to all of them.... Tell them a few jokes or stories and heck with your humor you could have them all laughing in no time at all.!!!! The best to you and Joann.
You're numbers are a little off... The Lenard beer budget is around $5,000, gas is usually an extra $2,000
ReplyDeleteLorraine - I've found out that cancer is a very personal disease and your comment will be a BLOG topic soon. I wish I could talk to you and Betty on how you handled it way back when.
ReplyDeleteNo one I meet is willing to talk about it.
What a cute picture! Wow I had no idea Dennis was turnng 60! Matt 32! Paul 30! So in Ken calculations how old does that make my Mom now? Keep in mind that Kristen turns 21 in January. Still saying prayers for you everyday! You are always in our thoughts, your atttude is fantastic, We know you will beat this! Oh just a side note of some fun news, Eric was made Assistant Captain of his hockey team and his band "Decimator" came in 3rd place in battle of the bands at Brighton High School, fun stuff...he's a drummer like his Dad and even plang on Yves' Slingerland drumset. Well, take care! Love Ya!
ReplyDeleteKen, regarding no one being willing to talk about "it"....I was diagnosed while I was still working at the hospital and it seems like when co-workers found out about it the survivors from different departments came out of the woodwork (of course mostly women working in the hospital and lots of breast cancer survivors and we all know women like to talk !) and wanted to share their stories and offered much support... Even though all their stories were a little different, it gave me much comfort and hope... I think what helped me too was just arming myself with the most information I could find and reading about my "condition".. Now that I think about it, not many patients in the infusion room were very talkative...but the nurses liked to gab so Joe and I would talk with them...I guess we all have different ways of coping with situations and mine was to talk about it. Look forward to your blog on the topic...actually we look forward to all your blogs as you have a talent for writing and conveying your thoughts. I hope you and joann will feel up to coming to the luncheon on dec. 6 at royal park.