Had an appt with my Pulmonologist, Dr Stone last week. Dr Stone was the one to diagnose and give us the news over two and a half years ago, but I still like the man. He's laid back, professional, doesn't try to solve all your problems in a fifteen minute appointment and enjoys salmon fishing. He's also by his own admission a professional worrier. You want him in your corner.
This time around the latest CT showed a new nodule in my lower RH lung that is 8mm (5/16") in size that wasn't visible on previous CT's. Dr Stone and my Oncologist Dr Mackler are in agreement that whatever this thing is, it's too small to hit with a needle biopsy, would likely not light up on a PET scan and surgically removing it is out of the question, the lung has been through enough. The plan is to go through a non-contrast CT Sept 6th to see what it's up to and proceed from there. There is nothing other than my history that would suggest it is cancerous, so let's not think what we're all thinking. If it is, "cyberknife" has been mentioned, a slick marketing term for pinpoint radiation and the perfect tool to hit a small target with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. Or the mass could just be a result of my recent lung infection - again, too small and too early to accurately diagnose, but big enough to rate attention. It has that. We'll know more Sept 11th after our appt w/ Dr Stone in Ann Arbor.
So Jo and I have decided not to let this taint the remainder of a terrific so far hot Michigan summer - please do the same and we'll talk again next month. I'm in good hands...Nurse Joann and several very good doctors are all over it...
It just struck me that there were five two word phrases that have had a profound affect on my life... so far. How about you ?
I Do
You're what ?
A boy ?
What's that ?
Oh shit ! (lots of these)
Well Ken, this may or may not be another go-around for you (and the rest of us). But either way, you will either have the opportunity to hear a resounding cheer or have a tremendous amount of support. As with the first time, we are with you all the way. And don't forget that God is with you, come what may. (I didn't mean for that to rhyme, it just happened). You have many friends who love you and will be around to help; either through prayer or good thoughts. We are in both categories....Love ya.
ReplyDeleteHe plans to live forever
ReplyDeleteSo far it's working