Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Good Stuff

It never ceases to amaze me how good these doctor's are. Joann and I had an appt w/my Oncologist, Dr Mackler, last Monday, the day before the big cocktail, and he scared the hell out of me about all the terrible things that will likely happen and oh, by the way, it won't occur right away, it'll happen 2 to 3 days afterwards. It did. The nausea hit Thursday night, which was a first and was contained with compazine, the good stuff. Eighteen hours later and it was gone. The body aches, also a first, were something else again. Best way I can describe it is someone hitting me with a baseball bat from head to toe just hard enough to get your attention. Nothing's touched that and we're going on two days now, but it's getting better. I'll know what to expect for my last big cocktail in two weeks. If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain...
I am now convinced that there is nothing I can throw at these doctor's that they haven't already seen and know how to treat. Now if I can just get them to tell me which way the market is headed....
The dock is in sight - throttle up.


  1. Stay strong,'re in the home stretch.
    Thinking and praying for you every day.
    Miss and Love you,

  2. Well Ken, if that's the worst of it you can handle it. Especially if it is killing the cancer, right? You're getting to the finish line here, bud and I know you will be the winner. Our prayers are with you, as always.
    Rick & Deb

  3. Sorry to hear you had ruff water.......glad to hear you have gotten the boat to the shore. Hopefully smooth sailing ahead, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Terry & Cindy

  4. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining - this could have been going on for the last seven weeks - I've been very fortunate.

  5. I like your phrase that if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the true....and we really never take the rainbow for granted again!!! I've said it before, but you really should be writing cards for Hallmark...I think they have a contest going on right now!!! could win!!
    It didn't sound as if you were complaining at all...only giving us the information and letting us know how you feel and since we are all concerned we appreciate the information...and you are still allowed to complain :)
    My "good stuff" was Zofran...dissovable under the tongue as a pill taken with water wasn't always tolerated ....worked magic. My regime included the zofran to be taken before the nausea even started.... Maybe next time you could check with the docs. about taking your compazine before the nausea kicks in to help prevent it...I know that all cocktails are different, all side effects are different and the way they treat the side effects are all different, but it sure would be good if next time you didn't have to go through so many hours of nausea (worse than a hangover,eh?)...and if you do find out which way the market is going and get any good stock tips, don't keep them to have friends out here that need to know that too!!! Take Care and as always we're thinking of you and Joann.

  6. LD - wish I could take credit for the catch phrases in these blogs, but truth is they're usually from something I read or heard and stuck in my head. I thought about taking the anti nausea pills before the symtoms hit but I was warned they make you drowsie (they do) and quite frankly,I've been tired for the past seven weeks and am, well, tired of being tired.

  7. HEBEWEBE 2010...reminded of better times, fun times, carefree times and so missing those times. Weekends of way blow zero. Certain people NEVER out of their PJ's. Good liquor and lots of it. Good food and lots of it. A cooler on wheels..for those too lazy. Not enough gas for the machines. "The Hunt for Red October? McClintock? Did I mention a lot of PJ time? Jack Daniel's cake? Sweatshirts to PROVE it? Chin hairs? Oh so missing those times. David Allen Coe? Thank you for the forever, EVER phrase of HEBEWEBE!
    live STRONG!
    Love you!
    "Tough times don't last...tough people do"

  8. Keep it up're doing great. We're all really proud of you!!!
