One of the things I look forward to after mass is lighting a candle for all the patients I've met or seen at the cancer center over the past several months. It's the young people that I can't get out of my head. You know how there's that time around a beach fire when everything goes silent for a few minutes and you just sit there staring at the flames. Remember what or who you were thinking about during that time ? I get that for a moment at the back of the church and it feels good.
I'm interested to hear what you all think about while staring at the flames. Need help? Light a candle. Consider this our first interactive blog. This time I want to hear about YOU.
Don't be bashful.
Been a little while since I've sat around a campfire, but my fireplace is on 9 months of the year. Something about flames is mezmerizing. Really makes you reflect, and for me, count my blessings. I am grateful that my kids are healthy and happy, my husband is still madly in love with me (and vice versa) and life is good. The attitude is GRATITUDE.
ReplyDeleteI think about how blessed I am to have been given the family and friends I have in my life. People that can still surprise you with their actions & words...& make you feel so loved. I also think about the friends and family who are no longer with us. Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Nanny's, Pappy's. All the people who I hold in my heart. If I get a few minutes alone by a beach fire in PA, I imagine all of them are there with me relaxing. That's what I think about.
ReplyDeletePaul took the words right out of my mouth..as I sit by the beach fire, I always think about the "old times" with friends and family; those who are gone and those who are still with us. I always feel grateful for the people in my life whom I feel make me a better person, and I'm especially thankful for the friends who make me laugh. You know who you are!
Lighting a candle I am reminded of he who replaces darkness. It helps me to see the "light" w/in my situations and that there is a "light" at the end of my tunnel. It cleanses my mind and spirit and helps to heal my emotions in turmoil. If it is scented lavender, even better as lavender calms me. When lighting my candles, I always say: "you are not forgotten".
ReplyDeleteA campfire reminds me of so many fun times before that I longer have (but I'm still grateful for what and those I still have today).
A campfire at the cabin now usually means I have a lot of brush and branches to burn and I'd best get to work! :)
"Tough times don't last, tough people do"
xo ss
I don't know if I really do that much staring into the flames but what I enjoy is taking in the fresh air & looking at all the stars & thinking what a wonderful world I have been blessed to live in! Those who have experienced the Port Austin atmosphere will realize that we have our own personal Eden here.
Honestly it is the only time I think my mind is completely still for a moment. A feeling of peace and calm, a complete escape- only the fire can bring that type of quiet, that kind of stillness.
There is nothing quite like a fire to make you think and reflect - just the warmth and the soft noise of the flames are rather hypnotic. I think about my mom and especially my dad, who will be gone 2 years on January 25. I was so lucky to have them for so many years and I count my blessings today - two great kids, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and cousins by the dozens that are always willing to lend a hand or and a sympathetic ear (you know who you are!) Wow - now you all know what I'm thinking about as I stare at the fire on the beach!
"Come on Baby light my Fire-" Us Baby Boomers remember that song-where we were and what we were doing. What a time in out lives.
Romance (36 years with D).
Rememberance of the many who have past.
Fire rings on the beach in Calif. Hearing the waves hit the shoreline the being in a complete state of calmness The man upstairs did good.
Ore Lake-Sitting by the fire with family and friends, roasting those marshmellow for the kids and smelling of smoke. What a great family we are.
Sitting peacefully with thoughts of Hope and Strength.
Well my favorite Bro-In-Law you got a lot of people thinking. Be strong these next few weeks. I send a Big Hug and I have my candle lit right now. Love, Janney
Wow stare into the flames of a fire....my first thought is Ore Lake...the fires, the fun, the family...the times I will never forget because they are so precious,,,,then my mind goes more to the present...campfires with my kids, fires in the backyard and at Joes...the essence of it all is to me is the flames of a fire relates to family and probably the best times I have ever had! Then there is the funny memory...a fire me and my brothers with David John stealing corn from a corn roast down past the Gutzits (spelling?)....flames fire family FUN....
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome Ken...stay strong..We love You!!
Read all your blogs. From what we can see you are going through hell. Just keep plugging away and it appears that you are winning the battle. Lil and I have been going to the chapel at St Helens on a regular basis. There we lite several votives for the sick in our family and also for the healthy ones in our family. Looks like God is watching over us. All our love...the AZ Machala's
ReplyDeleteWatching a fire is mesmerizing....my mind goes blank....then your body feels like its as light as air. No stress...no thought... no worry....then some one talks and brings you back to reality. I find it very relaxing to watch a fire, its beautiful. Its kind of nice to stop and smell the flowers. Gee I think this is good therapy for all of us!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTake Care.....Terry & Cindy
Wow, you really hit a nerve with that campfire comment, Ken. The comments have been fast a furious and also very reflective. I don't know anyone that doesn't find a campfire one of the most restful and enjoyable parts of beach gatherings, camping, or just simple get together's with family and friends. The warm glow of a campfire is incredibly soothing, and similar in its effects as being around the water and listening to the surf. We are so fortunate to have both of these therapies at our Port Austin retreats!
ReplyDeleteKeep your spirits up, Ken, and keep the blog going. It seems to be therapy for you and everyone that reads it.
Lou and Dee
When I watch the flames of a candle or a bonfire my mind wanders in many directions. It has a calming effect where I let the stresses of the day go, and reflect on the many blessings I have, the people I have in my life, those I've lost, and how much I miss them.
ReplyDeleteKnew it all along. Fireplaces need to be in all the treatment rooms. Where is that sugestion box ?
ReplyDeleteWell, Ken, my name is Bryan Kaylor, and I know your son Paul well (Paulie to me). I'm known as Luca within our set of friends, because, well...the first night I met your son at Western, he said I looked like "Luca Brasi" from the Godfather. That group of friends have since become "family" and when he told me about you and the cancer, I started thinking about a lot of things. For instance, I'm 31, I'm a VP at a small community credit union, and I own my own DJ business...to a lot of outsiders, I've "made it". I have a gorgeous wife, a son who's coming up on two, a great job, a golden retriever, and I'm living the American Dream.
ReplyDeleteExcept, right now, I'm at work, it's a Saturday, and I'm texting my wife to find out how our son is doing because I've been gone most of the day. I'm starting to think that "making it" isn't all it's cracked up to be.
When I think of bonfires, I think of the peace that usually surrounds them (bonfires at rented cottages on Lake Michigan usually not included). I long for that peace. I yearn for long weekends, for vacation days, for taking afternoons off to play with my son or play golf with friends. I love when friends visit and visiting friends, no matter how many hours it takes me to pack up the car.
Stories like yours INSPIRE people to STOP and light that candle. And to remember that Sunday is for God, football, and Sunday dinners with family. It's a tradition at my house.
Thanks for helping all of us "Light that candle". Godspeed.
Doug and I had our first date at a campfire at PA. 38 yars of marriage, 4 great kids, 2 wonderful in-law children and the best grandkids in the world, and a house on Lake Michigan to boot. I love campfires!!