It's been nearly a month since my last cocktail and I'll be the first to admit I haven't missed "the poke". Tomorrow I get the first of the two "big" cocktails which will conclude THE PLAN, so today was the blood draw poke. We were warned that these last two double doses will likely cause some of the side effects that I've so far avoided and that they may occur up to seven days after infusion. Seven days ? Hell, my worse hangover ever lasted only two, or was it three ? And now you know why I'm writing this the day before - they've really spooked me this time. I hope it doesn't happen. The good news is I'll be able to go through the CT scans in early February instead of waiting till March, what I've referred to as the final exam - the one that counts.
Have been doing very well thank you since my last radiation Dec 18th. The back burn is completely healed and I'm nearly keeping up with Joann during our nightly walks at the local high school. It's kind of embarrassing being passed up by the local grandma's that hike the halls also, but it just reminds me how far I've yet to go. Bet I could take most of 'em in arm wrestling..
The attached photo taken this Christmas is of my youngest son, Paul and our Cioc. Everyone has a Cioc, you just don't realize it, but your's likely isn't like mine. You see, mine is also my guardian angel and she has God's ear.
Well, Ken, it sounds like you are getting close to the end of this chemo and radiation journey, and so far, you've been doing well. It certainly hasn't affected your writing skills and your attitude thus far! Good luck with this last couple of cocktails. Sounds like these might be kind of rough, but I'm sensing you'll do just fine.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you, and good luck with your final exam.
We're all pulling for you and looking forward to seeing you this spring!
Lou & Dee
Good to hear from you two and congratulations on finally retiring,Lou.I'm sure Jo has already told Dee it's twice the husband at half the money. Look forward to seeing more of the Wardzinski's on the beach and on the links.
ReplyDeleteTwice the husband at 1/2 the money!....how true, but the twice the husband part isn't so bad!!!
Hoping all goes well for you today and that the side effects are minimal...just remember (as you know)...for every side effect, the drs. have a pill to take the edge off!!!!...and I am positive that all this you are going through will be worth every minute of the misery when you are finished and you ace the final exam!
Peace and Prayers to you and Joann,
Lorraine and Joe (the 1/2 the money, twice the husband husband) hehe!!
ReplyDeleteToday is a big stepping stone towards beating this. Both you and Mom are in my thoughts and prayers (more than usual) today.
I love you both, and will talk to you soon.
Hey Cuz-
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and sending up some special prayers for tomorrow. I have faith that you will pull through the rough times and end up acing that final exam!
Keep the faith!
I love the picture.....you are both in our prayers. Wish my girlfriend a "Happy Birthday" for us and enjoy Rick and Deb ( say HI to them too)
ReplyDeleteTake Care-
Terry and Cindy
Happy Birthday, Joann!
ReplyDeleteHope to see you and Ken at Penna's in February.
We're both hoping to make it to the winter party also. I might even be able to have my first beer in four months.